ache noun
1 physical pain
ADJ. dull, nagging, throbbing | familiar | muscular, stomach, tummy
VERB + ACHE be aware of, feel I felt the familiar ache in my lower back. | ease He changed his position once again to ease the ache in his back.
ACHE + VERB throb A dull ache throbbed at the back of David's head.
PREP. ~ in a nagging ache in her knee
PHRASES aches and pains He was always complaining about his various aches and pains.
2 great sorrow
ADJ. deep, dull, nagging
VERB + ACHE feel, have She kept feeling the nagging ache in her heart.
PREP. ~ in She could hardly speak for the ache in her heart. | ~ inside, ~ of the ache of loneliness inside him
ache verb
ADV. badly, really My feet ached badly. | a bit My left foot ached a bit.
PREP. from I still really ache from all that cycling yesterday.
PHRASES ache all over Her head felt hot and she was aching all over.
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