collapse noun
1 building, etc. suddenly falling
ADJ. sudden the sudden collapse of the bridge
PHRASES be in danger of collapse
2 medical condition
ADJ. sudden | mental, nervous, physical
VERB + COLLAPSE be close to, be on the point/verge of She was on the verge of nervous collapse.
PREP. ~ from his collapse from exhaustion
PHRASES a state of collapse He was in a state of mental and physical collapse.
3 sudden/complete failure of sth
ADJ. complete, total | general | virtual | sudden | economic, financial the sudden economic collapse of 2001
VERB + COLLAPSE bring about, contribute to, lead to, result in The war has led to the collapse of agriculture in the area. | face, be faced with | be on the brink/point/verge of | prevent
PREP. ~ into a collapse into anarchy
collapse verb
1 of a building
ADV. completely
PREP. into Several buildings have collapsed into the sea. | under The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
2 of a sick person
ADV. suddenly
PREP. against The man collapsed against the wall and slid down it. | from She collapsed suddenly from a heart attack. | with He collapsed with shock.
3 fail
ADV. eventually, finally In November the strike finally collapsed. | quickly, rapidly | suddenly | virtually
PHRASES to collapse in the face of sth The scheme collapsed in the face of determined opposition.
You can also check other dicts: collapse (English, 中文解释 ), wordnet sense, Collins Definition