collar noun
1 on a shirt, coat, dress, etc.
ADJ. open, undone His tie was knotted below his open collar. His collar was undone. | button-down, turned-down | tight | starched, stiff | detachable | coat, shirt, etc. | high, stand-up, wing | clerical, dog The vicar had his dog collar on.
VERB + COLLAR have The shirt had a button-down collar. | have on, wear | button, do up, fasten | unbutton, undo, unfasten | raise, turn up She turned up her coat collar for extra warmth. | turn down | loosen
COLLAR + NOUN stud | size
PHRASES collar and tie He wore a collar and tie for the occasion.
2 round an animal's neck
ADJ. dog | flea
VERB + COLLAR have on, wear | slip The dog slipped its collar and ran off.
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