dig noun
1 hard push
ADJ. sharp
VERB + DIG give She gave him a sharp dig in the ribs. | feel, get
PHRASES a dig in the ribs
2 critical remark
ADJ. little | sly I resisted the temptation to get in a sly dig at Fred.
VERB + DIG get in, have, make
PREP. ~ about, ~ at They were having a little dig at her about the way she tells everybody else what to do.
3 in the ground
ADJ. archaeological
VERB + DIG go on I went on an archaeological dig over the summer.
DIG + VERB reveal sth The dig revealed the site of a Roman villa.
dig verb
ADV. deep We'll have to dig quite deep to get at the roots.
PREP. for digging for buried treasure | through digging through solid clay
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