disease noun
ADJ. common | obscure, rare | dangerous, serious | mild | chronic | acute | degenerative | deadly, fatal, incurable, killer, terminal fears of a new killer disease | curable | preventable | communicable, contagious, infectious | non-communicable | congenital, hereditary, inherited | childhood childhood diseases such as mumps and chicken pox | tropical | insect-borne, water-borne | occupational | bowel, (coronary) heart, liver, etc. | mental | sexually transmitted, social, venereal patients suffering from venereal disease | circulatory, respiratory | Alzheimer's, Crohn's, etc.
QUANT. outbreak fears of an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease
VERB + DISEASE have, suffer from He has a serious lung disease. | catch, contract, get You can't catch the disease just from physical contact. She got a rare liver disease when she was only twenty. | die from/of Children are still dying in their millions Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease. | the risk of disease the risk of coronary heart disease | the spread of (a) disease measures to prevent the spread of the disease | the symptoms of a disease, the treatment for/of a disease > Special page at ILLNESS from preventable diseases. | cause a disease caused by a vitamin deficiency | carry, pass on, spread, transmit the ticks that carry the disease Such unhygienic practices spread disease. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. | diagnose | treat | combat, fight The government must take action to fight this deadly disease. | control, manage new drugs which help to control the disease | cure | prevent It's better to prevent disease by ensuring a clean water supply. | eradicate, stamp out, wipe out The disease has been eradicated from the world.
DISEASE + VERB spread They want to stop the disease spreading. | afflict sb, strike sb | kill sb The disease has killed 500 people so far this year.
PREP. with a/the ~ the number of people with this disease | ~ of a disease of the digestive system
PHRASES a cure for a disease, the incidence of (a) disease the overall incidence of disease in the world | a patient with/sufferer from a disease Sufferers from Alzheimer's disease can't cope at home. | resistance to disease
You can also check other dicts: disease (English, 中文解释 ), wordnet sense, Collins Definition