dock noun
1 place for loading/unloading ships
ADJ. commercial | coal, fish, etc.
VERB + DOCK build, construct | arrive at/in | enter
DOCK + NOUN company | strike | worker
PREP. at a/the ~ A car pulled up at the dock. | in ~ The ship is in dock for repairs. | on a/the ~ the cargo stacked on the dock
2 the dock: in a court of law
VERB + DOCK enter, go into, step into | appear in, be in She was in the dock on charges of attempted fraud. | be put in, end up in, land in After a night of drunken revelry they ended up in the dock.
PREP. from the ~ an outburst from the dock | in the ~ The defendant stood in the dock.
You can also check other dicts: dock (English, 中文解释 ), wordnet sense, Collins Definition