fight noun
1 struggle using physical force
ADJ. big | fierce, furious | real Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight. | good There's nothing he likes so much as a good fight. | fair It was a fair fight and Stephen won. | free They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people. | running He was killed during a series of running fights outside a disco. | stand-up, straight In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents. | pub, street | gang | fist | food, pillow, water | championship, title watching the world title fight between Tyson and Lewis | professional | heavyweight, etc. | bull (also bullfight), cock, dog
VERB + FIGHT pick, start He tried to pick a fight with me. I don't know who started the fight. | be looking for, be spoiling for, want Andy was drunk and spoiling for a fight. | be in, get into, get involved in, get mixed up in, have Don't get into any more fights! | break up, stop The fight was broken up by a teacher. | win | lose | watch
FIGHT + VERB take place The dog fights took place every Sunday morning. | break out, erupt, start | ensue A fight ensued which left one man dead.
PREP. in a/the ~ He killed a man in a fight. | ~ about/over They nearly had a fight over who should move first. | ~ between fights between police and football fans | ~ with They got involved in a fight with some older boys.
2 trying to get/do sth
ADJ. brave, good, strong She died at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer. | hard, long, real, tough a long fight to beat inflation | bitter, desperate | legal
VERB + FIGHT put up Coal workers are determined to put up a fight to save their jobs. | lead, spearhead leading the fight for compensation for the sacked workers | join (in) Doctors have now joined in the fight to make this treatment available to all. | face Now he is facing his toughest fight yet?back to fitness after a series of injuries. | be engaged in He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old firm. | carry on, continue, keep up She said they would continue their fight to find a cure for Aids. | step up The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime. | take She vowed to take her fight to the High Court. | win | lose Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs? | give up She just gave up her fight for life.
FIGHT + VERB be on The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out. | continue, go on The fight for justice goes on.
PREP. without a ~ I'm not giving up without a fight! | ~ against a new weapon in the fight against car crime | ~ for their fight for a fair deal
PHRASES a fight for life/survival the firm's desperate fight for survival in a cut-throat market | have a fight on your hands Union leaders know that they have got a real fight on their hands.
3 competition
ADJ. brave, good, great, strong, tremendous | straight
VERB + FIGHT put up The team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten.
FIGHT + VERB be on
PREP. ~ between This will be a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives: the other parties are nowhere. | ~ for The fight for supremacy in the sport is on.
PHRASES a fight to the death (figurative) By 1807 politics had become a fight to the death between the two factions. | a fight to the finish If the polls are wrong and it's a fight to the finish, the result may not be known until all the votes have been counted. | have a fight on your hands She now has a fight on her hands (= will have to play very well) to make it through to the next round. | make a fight of it No doubt Ferguson wants his team to make a fight of it.
fight verb
1 in a war/battle
ADV. bravely, gallantly, valiantly | bitterly, hard | back, off
VERB + FIGHT be prepared to, be ready to He did not believe that the enemy was ready to fight. | continue to
PREP. against They fought bravely against the enemy. | alongside fighting alongside his comrades | for They fought for control of the island. | over fighting over disputed land
2 struggle against/hit sb
ADV. bitterly, hard | back, off The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off.
VERB + FIGHT be prepared to
PREP. against She fought hard against his strong grip. | with Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.
3 in a contest
ADV. bitterly, hard | successfully
VERB + FIGHT be determined to, be prepared to, be ready to We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds. | continue to
PREP. for Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.
PHRASES fiercely/keenly fought The second half was keenly fought, but neither side managed to score.
4 try to stop/achieve sth
ADV. hard, like a tiger, tooth and nail (= in a very determined way) He fought hard to overcome his disability. She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children. The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development. | doggedly, stubbornly, tenaciously | desperately | successfully | back, off It is time to fight back against street crime.
VERB + FIGHT be determined to, be prepared to, be ready to, vow to | continue to | help (to)
PREP. against They are committed to fighting against racism. | for fighting for equal rights
5 argue
ADV. bitterly
PREP. about It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. | over The children will fight over quite small things. | with He's always fighting with his brother.
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