flood noun
1 large amount of water
ADJ. devastating, great, heavy, severe | summer, winter
VERB + FLOOD cause Heavy rainfall in the mountains caused the floods.
FLOOD + VERB hit sth, strike sth This summer the region was struck by devastating floods. | inundate sth The meadowland was inundated by heavy floods. | cause sth The flood caused widespread destruction. | subside The floods are slowly subsiding.
FLOOD + NOUN water/waters | alert, damage, victim | control, defence, prevention, protection, relief
PHRASES be in (full) flood The river was in full flood (= had flooded its banks).
2 large number/amount
ADJ. great | constant | sudden
FLOOD + VERB inundate sb/sth She was inundated by floods of fan mail.
PREP. ~ of a great flood of refugees
PHRASES in floods of tears (= crying a lot) The little girl was in floods of tears.
flood verb
VERB + FLOOD be liable to The area near the river is liable to flood.
PHRASES be badly flooded The village had been badly flooded.
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