friendly adj.
1 behaving in a kind/pleasant way
VERBS appear, be, look, seem | become
ADV. exceptionally, extremely, genuinely, really, very Frank was a genuinely friendly sort. | perfectly He seemed detached, almost bored, but perfectly friendly. | almost For once he seemed almost friendly. | quite, reasonably | not exactly, not particularly Her manner was not exactly friendly | naturally
PREP. to, towards He was always friendly towards me.
2 being friends
VERBS be, seem | become, get | remain
ADV. very | pretty, quite They were quite friendly when they worked together.
PREP. with She's very friendly with Maureen.
PHRASES be on friendly terms (with sb) We have managed to remain on friendly terms.
3 easy to use/helpful/not harmful
ADV. environmentally environmentally friendly cleaning products
PHRASES child-/family-friendly Employers are being encouraged to adopt family-friendly measures like flexible hours. | ozone-friendly, user-friendly
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