glow noun
1 steady light
ADJ. cosy, rich, soft, warm | dim, dull, faint, pale | fierce | steady | eerie, ghostly
VERB + GLOW cast, give sth, throw The lamplight gave a cosy glow to the room. The sunset threw an orange glow on the cliffs. | be bathed in The whole village was bathed in the glow of the setting sun.
GLOW + VERB light sth Our faces were lit by the faint green glow of the dashboard lights.
PREP. ~ from the soft glow from the lamp | ~ of
2 in sb's face
ADJ. healthy, pink, rosy, warm
VERB + GLOW have Her cheeks had a healthy glow.
PHRASES bring a glow to sb's cheeks/face The wine had brought a warm glow to her cheeks.
3 feeling
ADJ. rosy, warm
VERB + GLOW bask in, bathe in, feel She bathed in the warm glow of first love.
PREP. ~ of He felt a glow of pride as he watched them.
glow verb
1 give out light/heat
ADV. dully, faintly, softly Two lamps glowed softly in the lounge.
PHRASES glow orange, red, etc. The stones around the bonfire glowed red with the heat.
2 look healthy, happy, angry, etc.
ADV. positively
PREP. with She was positively glowing with happiness.
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