partner noun
1 in a marriage/relationship
ADJ. former | dominant She was the dominant partner in the relationship. | female, male | marriage, sexual the choice of marriage partner
2 in an activity
ADJ. bridge, doubles, playing, tennis I need a doubles partner for the table tennis tournament. | dancing | sparring (figurative) The old political sparring partners are now firm friends. | drinking
VERB + PARTNER choose The teacher asked the students to choose a partner for the next activity. | change All change partners for the next dance!
3 in business
ADJ. full | equal | active, managing | sleeping | junior, senior | business
VERB + PARTNER make sb
PREP. ~ in He has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.
4 in international relations
ADJ. biggest, main, principal | foreign | coalition, trading France's principal trading partners
PREP. ~ in Britain's partner in the aeronautic project
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