shake noun
ADJ. brisk, good, vigorous Give the tablecloth a good shake before putting it away. | little, slight | mental He gave himself a mental shake and got down to work. | rueful a rueful shake of the head
VERB + SHAKE give sb/sth
PREP. with a ~ | ~ of
PHRASES a shake of your/the head
shake verb
1 of a person/building
ADV. badly, uncontrollably, violently Her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't hold her glass. | almost He was almost shaking with the intensity of what he was saying. | fairly (informal) Natalie fairly shook with laughter. | literally, physically I was numb with dread. I was literally shaking.
PREP. with She was shaking with rage.
PHRASES be shaking all over He was crying and shaking all over. | be shaking like a leaf, find yourself/start shaking I found myself shaking uncontrollably with cold. | stop shaking I just couldn't stop shaking.
2 object/person
ADV. roughly, vigorously, violently He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust. She must have shaken the baby quite violently to inflict such severe injuries. | gently, slightly | well Shake well before use. (instructions on a bottle of medicine, etc.) | suddenly | physically
PREP. by He shook her gently by the shoulders.
3 your head
ADV. decisively, emphatically, firmly | fiercely, vehemently, vigorously, violently, wildly | a little, gently, slightly | quickly | slowly | dismissively, impatiently | despairingly, desperately, dismally, gloomily, helplessly, miserably, mournfully, regretfully, ruefully, sadly, sorrowfully | wearily | disbelievingly, doubtfully, wonderingly | just, merely, only, simply He merely shook his head. | from side to side
PREP. at He shook his head at her disbelievingly. | in She shook her head in disbelief.
4 sb's hand
ADV. firmly, vigorously | warmly
PHRASES shake sb by the hand Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand. PHRASAL VERBS shake sb/sth off
ADV. completely, fully | quickly | easily He had not easily shaken Claudine off. | off
VERB + SHAKE can't/couldn't (seem to) I can't seem to shake off this cold. | seem to | try to
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