sketch noun
1 quick drawing
ADJ. lightning, quick | rough | preliminary, preparatory | charcoal, ink, pencil, watercolour
VERB + SKETCH do, draw, make
SKETCH + NOUN book, pad | map | plan
PREP. in a/the ~ The family house appears in several of her sketches. | ~ by a series of sketches by John Constable | ~ for to make a sketch for an oil painting | ~ of He did some rough sketches of the costumes. > Note at ART
2 short description
ADJ. brief, thumbnail The talk began with a thumbnail sketch of the political situation at that time. | biographical, character
VERB + SKETCH give sb
PREP. ~ of He gave us character sketches of all his eccentric relations.
3 short comic scene
ADJ. short | comic, satirical
VERB + SKETCH do, perform | write
PREP. ~ about a comic sketch about a talking cat
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