uncomfortable adj.

1 not comfortable

VERBS be, feel, look, seem | become, get | make sth Sharp stones on the path made walking barefoot rather uncomfortable. | find sth I find these chairs incredibly uncomfortable.

ADV. downright, extremely, incredibly, most, really, terribly, very | increasingly | a bit, a little, pretty, quite, rather | physically

2 feeling/causing worry/embarrassment

VERBS appear, be, feel, look, seem | become, get He started to get a bit uncomfortable as the conversation continued. | make sb The way he looked at her made her distinctly uncomfortable. | find sth

ADV. acutely, decidedly, deeply, distinctly, downright, extremely, really, terribly, very | increasingly | a bit, a little, rather, slightly | clearly, obviously, visibly

PREP. with Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines.

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